Once “Asuka Hybrid” is completed we will work on “Rebirth” by Lee Kang-Woo

I already said this is Discord. This is just for anyone browsing and to make it official.

For those that don’t know, it’s an old action manhwa series about a vampire named Deshwitat. It’s good.  At first, I didn’t want to create any obstacles for it’s legal release (nobody will buy it if they already read it).  But that’s looking unlikely even if I do nothing since it’s so old.  That release schedule should go a lot more quickly than Asuka Hybrid since I won’t need to spend time assembling pages from pieces of individual panels.  Raws of the remaining volumes aren’t a problem since I imported physical German copies years ago.

Asuka Hybrid 17 is out

Here you go.

Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qyqc2fin6jp4ny0/Asuke%20Hybrid%2017.rar?dl=0

MangaDex: https://mangadex.org/chapter/887822/1

A lot has happened since I last uploaded a chapter.  I moved into a different bedroom; my little brother moved back into the house; the ‘rona hadn’t covered the globe; Harry Dresden from the Dresen Files books went from being a cool, witty character to becoming surprisingly relatable to me in book 7 (Dead Beat); and I found an anime I liked that did NOT have any sci-fi/fantasy/magical elements in it (called Wave Listen to Me).  That stands out to me because usually if a series isn’t unrealistic in some way I find it boring.  The only other exception to that rule that I can think of off the top of my head is “Your Lie in April” but that was about music and I like music.

On second thought, I like some iyashikei anime, and some of those are realistic so I guess it’s not a strict rule.

I fixed Asuka Hybrid 15

Some people said the double panels confused them.  The second of the duplicate panels turning yellow combined with right edge of the next panel being yellow was supposed to mean “this was a flashback”.  But I guess it wasn’t obvious without the panel transition effects shown in the Japanese website’s reader tool.  So I removed the second panel and added a black background since most people already know that means something is a flashback. Parts at the beginning of the chapter were also flashbacks (her trying to rescue the cat in the tree) but it was obvious that was a flashback so I didn’t add a black background to that.

I’m going to leave the original download link up in case someone wants to compare the two chapter versions in the future.  The original post’s link to MangaDex will take you to the fixed version.

download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/kb8ul9yy94wwgcr/Asuka%20Hybrid%2015%20fixed.zip?dl=0

Asuka Hybrid 14 is ready to read

Another chapter is done.  Here you go.  I thought the writer ended this chapter abruptly.  Our cleaner Yuri Fanatic did the typesetting for this one to show the new typesetter, Tussal, the kind of quality we’re looking for.  Expect him to help out beginning in the next chapter.

In other news, I won’t say much about Avengers: Endgame other than the fact that I liked it and it seemed Marvel was following some of the fan theories and disproved them near the beginning of the movie.



Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/wd0hpfu5mj6kwml/Asuka%20Hybrid%2014.zip?dl=0

MangaDex: https://mangadex.org/chapter/597649/1

Asuka Hybrid 13 is out, we need a new typesetter, and I’m doing a little experiment

We need a new typesetter because Beumer doesn’t have as much free time as he used to. No previous skill required to join.  Someone has volunteered to be the new typesetter.

Other websites unfriendly to scanlators took the last two chapters without taking the credits page so I included the credits page in all the places I thought a bot would look when they’re looking for which pages to cut out. After I figure out which pages stayed in the chapter when the chapter was taken I’ll take the extra credits pages out from MangaDex.

Update: MangaRock cut out only the credits pages at the end but not the one in the beginning or on page 4.  I had two identical credits pages at the end.  One labeled “AH13_24” and one labeled “credits”.  MangaRock cut out both and put them in a shrunk spot below ads to read other series on it’s website.  I’ve changed the download link to have only one credits page like normal so it won’t annoy you guys.  I wonder if it detects credits pages by seeing that its the only one with color or by the file name.  I don’t know but it seems to be both.

Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/kt5itchvjqws7rz/Asuka%20Hybrid%2013%20updated.zip?dl=0

MangaDex: https://mangadex.org/chapter/578000/1